09 APR

Challenges and Trends in Pork Farming | Daniel de Miguel

Pork Consumption and Animal Protein

In the ever-changing world of agribusiness, pork farming faces unique challenges and exciting opportunities. To delve deeper into these issues, we sat down with Daniel de Miguel, an influential leader in the sector and director of Interporc Spain, who offers his valuable perspective.

Pork Meat Consumption and Animal Protein

Pork and animal protein consumption has seen significant fluctuations in recent years. Recent data shows a growing trend in the demand for pork, driven by its versatility and nutritional value. Daniel de Miguel analyzes how these trends affect the industry and emphasizes the importance of adapting to the changing needs of consumers.

Reputational Crisis in Pork Farming

The agri-food sector, particularly pork farming, has faced reputational challenges driven by environmental concerns and animal welfare. De Miguel discusses the strategies implemented to improve the sector’s image, emphasizing transparency and sustainability as keys to regaining public trust.

Daniel de Miguel’s Role at Interporc Spain

As the director of Interporc Spain, Daniel de Miguel has been a key figure in promoting Spanish pork farming. His focus on innovation and sustainability has helped position Spain as a leader in the global pork industry. De Miguel shares his vision for the future of the sector, centered on continuous improvement and adaptation to global markets.

Current Situation and Future of the Sector

Analyzing the current situation, Daniel de Miguel offers an optimistic view of the future of pork farming. Despite the challenges, he sees a strong sector ready to meet the demands of tomorrow, with a renewed focus on quality, sustainability, and innovation.

Trends and Challenges in Pork Farming

The conversation with Daniel de Miguel leaves us with a deeper understanding of the complexity and vitality of the pork farming sector. His leadership at Interporc Spain and his dedication to adaptation and sustainability are inspiring examples for the entire industry.




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